Feature Feature People Kena Syphilis - drug syphilis potent cure syphilis, keincing pus, urinary pain, pus leuar of sex, and exit spots dikelmain all can be overcome by using herbal remedies denature gang jie and gho Messiah drug has been clinically proven safe without side effects and without medicine.
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum spiroset subspecies pallidum. The main route of transmission is through sexual contact; This infection can also be transmitted from mother to fetus during pregnancy or at birth, that causes congenital syphilis. Another disease that affects humans is caused by Treponema pallidum include yaws (subspecies pertenue), pinta (subspecies carateum), and bejel (sub-species endemicum). Many of the patients with syphilis who do not realize if they are exposed to syphilis and therefore they do not get good treatment. Acquired infection, especially if there is direct contact with syphilis sores are active. Syphilis has several stages of infection. Once infected with syphilis, there is an incubation period, the period before the onset of symptoms until the sores called "chancre" approximately 9-90 days, generally an average time of 21 days have seen.
Symptoms of Syphilis
Symptoms of the Lion King (Syphilis) lasts 3-4 weeks, sometimes up to 13 weeks. Then raised bumps around the genitals. Sometimes with dizziness and flu-like bone pain, which will disappear without treatment. There were red spots on the body approximately 6-12 weeks after sex. These symptoms will disappear by itself and patients often do not pay attention to this.
During the first 2-3 years of the disease do not show any symptoms, or the so-called latency period. After 5-10 years of syphilis will attack the nervous system of the brain, blood vessels and heart. In pregnant women for syphilis can be transmitted to the baby and be born with damage to the skin, liver, spleen and mental retardation.
Signs mark Syphilis
Many of the patients with syphilis who do not realize if they are exposed to syphilis and therefore they do not get good treatment. Acquired infection, especially if there is direct contact with syphilis sores are active.
Syphilis has several stages of infection. Once infected with syphilis, there is an incubation period, the period before the onset of symptoms until the sores called "chancre" approximately 9-90 days, generally an average time of 21 days have seen.
The first stage of syphilis can there be an open sore called a chancre in the genital area, rectum, or mouth. Open wounds did not hurt. Enlarged lymph nodes may appear. A patient may not feel the pain and these injuries usually heal by itself within 4-6 weeks, and therefore the patient usually will not come to the doctor for treatment, but this does not mean syphilis disappear, but continue to circulate in the body. If not addressed properly, will continue into the next stage.
The second stage appeared about 1-6 months (on average about 6-8 weeks) after the first infection, there are several different manifestations in this second stage. A rash can emerge without feeling itchy in certain parts, such as the palms and soles, or moist areas, such as the scrotum and vaginal lips. In addition to this rash, raised other symptoms, such as fever, enlarged lymph nodes, sore throat, headaches, weight loss, muscle aches, and be aware that the symptoms and signs of a second infection syphilis will also be able to disappear by itself, but also keep in mind that this does not mean syphilis lost from your body, but the infection continues until the latent stage.
Latent stage is the stage in which if checked by laboratory tests, the results are positive, but the symptoms and signs can exist or not. This latent stage is also divided as early and late latent stage. Expressed as early latent syphilis when syphilis was already inside the body for two years or less than the first infection with or without symptoms. While the late latent syphilis if it has suffered for two years or more from the first infection without evidence of clinical symptoms. In practice, it is often not known when it began to hit so often it must be assumed that the patient has reached the latent stage.
Tertiary syphilis appears in 1/3 of the patients are not treated properly. Usually occurs 1-10 years after the initial infection, but in some cases can be up to 50 years of emerging, this stage can be seen with signs of raised bumps soft tumor. At this stage, a lot of organ damage that can occur, ranging from damage to the bones, nerves, brain, muscles, eyes, heart, and other organs. { read: ciri ciri orang terkena sipilis }
Syphilis in Women
Traditional medicine -Identify syphilis symptoms that may occur in women, which decomposes in four different stages.
Stage one. This stage is characterized by the appearance of redness and wet wound in the vaginal area, the shaft gut or mouth. Luka is called a chancre, and appeared in a spirochaeta get into a person's body for the first time. Swollen lymph nodes were also found during this stage. After several weeks, the chancre disappears. This stage is a stage that is very contagious.
Stage two. If a single-stage syphilis untreated, usually the patient will experience a rash, especially in the feet and hands. They were also unable to find any injuries on the lips, mouth, throat, vagina and rectum. The symptoms are similar to flu, such as fever and aches, may also be experienced at this stage. This stage usually lasts for one to two weeks.
Stage three. If the two-stage syphilis still untreated, the sufferer will experience what is called latent syphilis. This means that all the symptoms will disappear, but the disease is actually still lodged in the body, and the bacteria causing the infection was still moving throughout the body. Latent syphilis can last up to many years.
Stage four. The disease is eventually known as tertiary syphilis. At this stage, spirochaeta has spread throughout the body and can damage the brain, heart, brain stem and spine.
Syphilis in Men
drug -Sedangkan syphilis in men who have been infected by syphilis have symptoms that are similar to what is experienced by a patient woman. The main difference is that in the first phase, the chancre appears on the penis area. And in the second phase, there will be injuries in the penis, mouth, throat and rectum.
People who have been infected by spirochaeta causes syphilis can find their chancre after three days - three months of the bacteria into the body. If a single-stage syphilis is not treated, the second stage of this disease can appear at any time, ranging from three to six weeks after the onset of chancre.
Prevention of gonorrhea can be done in the following way:
-Hindari Have sex with people who are great bekemungkinan affected by the disease. For example, the PSK. Remain faithful to one partner.
-Do Not have sex for the disease has not completely - completely cured. In order not to rub off on the couple.
-Use Of contraceptives.
For people who have sex with an infected person through the anus or anal gonorrhea may suffer in the rectum. Patients will feel uncomfortable and will remove fluid from the rectum. If defecation will be sore and stools will be slimy and fester. Meanwhile, people who had oral sex with an infected person or through the mouth will also be hit by the same thing in his throat. This causes pain in the throat and difficulty swallowing.
Therefore, always keep a healthy lifestyle and stay away from free sex and relationship that is beyond the limit. So that we avoid the symptoms of gonorrhea and or disease - other dangerous diseases such as AIDS. Establish good communication in families and communities to remind each other. To avoid it - it is not desirable to people - people closest to us.
Infectious syphilis
Disease Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by Treponema pallidum. This disease can be transmitted through sexual intercourse, either vaginal, rectal, anal, or oral. Syphilis is not transmitted through eating utensils, a toilet seat, door knobs, swimming pools, and exchange clothes.
Syphilis In Herbal Alternative Medicine
Syphilis can be treated by using drugs syphilis potent De Nature Indonesia is made from 100% natural ingredients. Syphilis drug is safe without side effects or drug dependence because this product is officially registered in the DHO RI as one of the standardized herbal medicine and reliable.
drug syphilis
The advantage of using potent drugs of syphilis De Nature Indonesia:
Not ashamed to go to the doctor, saving time and cost
No need to be injected
Convalescence quickly just 10 days insya'alloh fully recovered
The process of the drug is only 6 hours
Instant syphilis medication delivered directly to your home using courier services or JNE, TIKI, and PT. Indonesian post
Safe Without Side Effects
100% Your privacy safeguarded. The medicine is sent in plain packaging and neatly closed
How to order medicine please send SMS / Phone directly with the following formats:
How to order.
Please provide full name
Mention Full Address
Mention the name of the cure
Mention Bank Will You Transfer
Example: Rahmat Erlando # Jln. Pahonjean, Housing Cendana Asri No. 9, district. Majenang, Kab. Cilacap, Prov. Central Java, Zip Code 53 257 # # Bank BCA Syphilis Drugs
Send to: 0877-3682-1712 or 0857-1821-7308
pin 292f101c
* After that you will get a reply the total amount of the price to be paid and we rek number format along with confirmation of payment.
Payment Confirmation Format:
Full Address Recipient's name # # No. Hp # Medicine Reserved # Name On Your Account # Amount # Bank Transfer We clincher Intended (BCA, BRI, BNI, Mandiri)
Rahmat Erlando # Jln. Pahonjean, Housing Cendana Asri No. 9, district. Majenang, Kab. Cilacap, Prov. Central Java, ZIP code 53257 # 087 826 45 40 51 #Obat Sipilis # Rahmat Erlando # 320,000 # BCA
Shipping Each Region
Rp. 25,000 of Java
Rp. 45,000 Papua Area
Rp. 250,000 Overseas
Delivery of goods:
We entrust the delivery of goods to the shipping agent of goods such as JNE, TIKI, and PT. POS Indonesia with fast packet / lightning. So the package can be faster to use than the regular. Deliveries are made every hour 10 am and receipt number will be sent to you after 12 noon CST and no. The receipt can check online to know the position where the goods arrived. We Serve Booking Entire Territory of Indonesia and also overseas.
Our full address:
Jln. Pahonjean KM 5, Perum Cendana Asri No. 9, district. Majenang, Kab. Cilacap, Central Java, Zip Code 53 257
Thank you faithfully read about Medication If you feel positive syphilis infected with this disease we recommend that you immediately treated. Because early treatment will be better than delayed treatment.
Syphilis De Nature Medicine Order
For reservations please contact us directly via SMS or phone.
0877 3682 1712 0857 1821 7308 ~
BB PIN 292F101C
sumber: http://syamsulfazrie.blogdetik.com/2016/02/23/ciri-ciri-orang-kena-sipilis
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum spiroset subspecies pallidum. The main route of transmission is through sexual contact; This infection can also be transmitted from mother to fetus during pregnancy or at birth, that causes congenital syphilis. Another disease that affects humans is caused by Treponema pallidum include yaws (subspecies pertenue), pinta (subspecies carateum), and bejel (sub-species endemicum). Many of the patients with syphilis who do not realize if they are exposed to syphilis and therefore they do not get good treatment. Acquired infection, especially if there is direct contact with syphilis sores are active. Syphilis has several stages of infection. Once infected with syphilis, there is an incubation period, the period before the onset of symptoms until the sores called "chancre" approximately 9-90 days, generally an average time of 21 days have seen.
Symptoms of Syphilis
Symptoms of the Lion King (Syphilis) lasts 3-4 weeks, sometimes up to 13 weeks. Then raised bumps around the genitals. Sometimes with dizziness and flu-like bone pain, which will disappear without treatment. There were red spots on the body approximately 6-12 weeks after sex. These symptoms will disappear by itself and patients often do not pay attention to this.
During the first 2-3 years of the disease do not show any symptoms, or the so-called latency period. After 5-10 years of syphilis will attack the nervous system of the brain, blood vessels and heart. In pregnant women for syphilis can be transmitted to the baby and be born with damage to the skin, liver, spleen and mental retardation.
Signs mark Syphilis
Many of the patients with syphilis who do not realize if they are exposed to syphilis and therefore they do not get good treatment. Acquired infection, especially if there is direct contact with syphilis sores are active.
Syphilis has several stages of infection. Once infected with syphilis, there is an incubation period, the period before the onset of symptoms until the sores called "chancre" approximately 9-90 days, generally an average time of 21 days have seen.
The first stage of syphilis can there be an open sore called a chancre in the genital area, rectum, or mouth. Open wounds did not hurt. Enlarged lymph nodes may appear. A patient may not feel the pain and these injuries usually heal by itself within 4-6 weeks, and therefore the patient usually will not come to the doctor for treatment, but this does not mean syphilis disappear, but continue to circulate in the body. If not addressed properly, will continue into the next stage.
The second stage appeared about 1-6 months (on average about 6-8 weeks) after the first infection, there are several different manifestations in this second stage. A rash can emerge without feeling itchy in certain parts, such as the palms and soles, or moist areas, such as the scrotum and vaginal lips. In addition to this rash, raised other symptoms, such as fever, enlarged lymph nodes, sore throat, headaches, weight loss, muscle aches, and be aware that the symptoms and signs of a second infection syphilis will also be able to disappear by itself, but also keep in mind that this does not mean syphilis lost from your body, but the infection continues until the latent stage.
Latent stage is the stage in which if checked by laboratory tests, the results are positive, but the symptoms and signs can exist or not. This latent stage is also divided as early and late latent stage. Expressed as early latent syphilis when syphilis was already inside the body for two years or less than the first infection with or without symptoms. While the late latent syphilis if it has suffered for two years or more from the first infection without evidence of clinical symptoms. In practice, it is often not known when it began to hit so often it must be assumed that the patient has reached the latent stage.
Tertiary syphilis appears in 1/3 of the patients are not treated properly. Usually occurs 1-10 years after the initial infection, but in some cases can be up to 50 years of emerging, this stage can be seen with signs of raised bumps soft tumor. At this stage, a lot of organ damage that can occur, ranging from damage to the bones, nerves, brain, muscles, eyes, heart, and other organs. { read: ciri ciri orang terkena sipilis }
Syphilis in Women
Traditional medicine -Identify syphilis symptoms that may occur in women, which decomposes in four different stages.
Stage one. This stage is characterized by the appearance of redness and wet wound in the vaginal area, the shaft gut or mouth. Luka is called a chancre, and appeared in a spirochaeta get into a person's body for the first time. Swollen lymph nodes were also found during this stage. After several weeks, the chancre disappears. This stage is a stage that is very contagious.
Stage two. If a single-stage syphilis untreated, usually the patient will experience a rash, especially in the feet and hands. They were also unable to find any injuries on the lips, mouth, throat, vagina and rectum. The symptoms are similar to flu, such as fever and aches, may also be experienced at this stage. This stage usually lasts for one to two weeks.
Stage three. If the two-stage syphilis still untreated, the sufferer will experience what is called latent syphilis. This means that all the symptoms will disappear, but the disease is actually still lodged in the body, and the bacteria causing the infection was still moving throughout the body. Latent syphilis can last up to many years.
Stage four. The disease is eventually known as tertiary syphilis. At this stage, spirochaeta has spread throughout the body and can damage the brain, heart, brain stem and spine.
Syphilis in Men
drug -Sedangkan syphilis in men who have been infected by syphilis have symptoms that are similar to what is experienced by a patient woman. The main difference is that in the first phase, the chancre appears on the penis area. And in the second phase, there will be injuries in the penis, mouth, throat and rectum.
People who have been infected by spirochaeta causes syphilis can find their chancre after three days - three months of the bacteria into the body. If a single-stage syphilis is not treated, the second stage of this disease can appear at any time, ranging from three to six weeks after the onset of chancre.
Prevention of gonorrhea can be done in the following way:
-Hindari Have sex with people who are great bekemungkinan affected by the disease. For example, the PSK. Remain faithful to one partner.
-Do Not have sex for the disease has not completely - completely cured. In order not to rub off on the couple.
-Use Of contraceptives.
For people who have sex with an infected person through the anus or anal gonorrhea may suffer in the rectum. Patients will feel uncomfortable and will remove fluid from the rectum. If defecation will be sore and stools will be slimy and fester. Meanwhile, people who had oral sex with an infected person or through the mouth will also be hit by the same thing in his throat. This causes pain in the throat and difficulty swallowing.
Therefore, always keep a healthy lifestyle and stay away from free sex and relationship that is beyond the limit. So that we avoid the symptoms of gonorrhea and or disease - other dangerous diseases such as AIDS. Establish good communication in families and communities to remind each other. To avoid it - it is not desirable to people - people closest to us.
Infectious syphilis
Disease Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by Treponema pallidum. This disease can be transmitted through sexual intercourse, either vaginal, rectal, anal, or oral. Syphilis is not transmitted through eating utensils, a toilet seat, door knobs, swimming pools, and exchange clothes.
Syphilis In Herbal Alternative Medicine
Syphilis can be treated by using drugs syphilis potent De Nature Indonesia is made from 100% natural ingredients. Syphilis drug is safe without side effects or drug dependence because this product is officially registered in the DHO RI as one of the standardized herbal medicine and reliable.
drug syphilis
The advantage of using potent drugs of syphilis De Nature Indonesia:
Not ashamed to go to the doctor, saving time and cost
No need to be injected
Convalescence quickly just 10 days insya'alloh fully recovered
The process of the drug is only 6 hours
Instant syphilis medication delivered directly to your home using courier services or JNE, TIKI, and PT. Indonesian post
Safe Without Side Effects
100% Your privacy safeguarded. The medicine is sent in plain packaging and neatly closed
How to order medicine please send SMS / Phone directly with the following formats:
How to order.
Please provide full name
Mention Full Address
Mention the name of the cure
Mention Bank Will You Transfer
Example: Rahmat Erlando # Jln. Pahonjean, Housing Cendana Asri No. 9, district. Majenang, Kab. Cilacap, Prov. Central Java, Zip Code 53 257 # # Bank BCA Syphilis Drugs
Send to: 0877-3682-1712 or 0857-1821-7308
pin 292f101c
* After that you will get a reply the total amount of the price to be paid and we rek number format along with confirmation of payment.
Payment Confirmation Format:
Full Address Recipient's name # # No. Hp # Medicine Reserved # Name On Your Account # Amount # Bank Transfer We clincher Intended (BCA, BRI, BNI, Mandiri)
Rahmat Erlando # Jln. Pahonjean, Housing Cendana Asri No. 9, district. Majenang, Kab. Cilacap, Prov. Central Java, ZIP code 53257 # 087 826 45 40 51 #Obat Sipilis # Rahmat Erlando # 320,000 # BCA
Shipping Each Region
Rp. 25,000 of Java
Rp. 45,000 Papua Area
Rp. 250,000 Overseas
Delivery of goods:
We entrust the delivery of goods to the shipping agent of goods such as JNE, TIKI, and PT. POS Indonesia with fast packet / lightning. So the package can be faster to use than the regular. Deliveries are made every hour 10 am and receipt number will be sent to you after 12 noon CST and no. The receipt can check online to know the position where the goods arrived. We Serve Booking Entire Territory of Indonesia and also overseas.
Our full address:
Jln. Pahonjean KM 5, Perum Cendana Asri No. 9, district. Majenang, Kab. Cilacap, Central Java, Zip Code 53 257
Thank you faithfully read about Medication If you feel positive syphilis infected with this disease we recommend that you immediately treated. Because early treatment will be better than delayed treatment.
Syphilis De Nature Medicine Order
For reservations please contact us directly via SMS or phone.
0877 3682 1712 0857 1821 7308 ~
BB PIN 292F101C
sumber: http://syamsulfazrie.blogdetik.com/2016/02/23/ciri-ciri-orang-kena-sipilis